Forestry experts carry out the logging of this round timber for the year´s
production of our sawmills during the winter
months. The beech is cross-cut and pre-sorted for quality in the forest.
Produktion in the Sawmill
After the round-timber manipulation and pre-sorting at the timbering
section of the mill, the stocks are placed on the band-saw. Using the
latter´s technology, the stocks are rip-sawed into the dimensions desired
by our customers and sorted according to quality. The wood comes directly
from the saw into the right chambers for further processing.
By our customer's
requirements the lumber will be steamed before drying, to get the typical
even reddish hue.
For expert drying the
lumber gets stacked on sunk laths . These prevent spline stains and imprints, and the wood reaches our
customers excellent quality.
After drying, ready-to-dispatch packages are prepared. Trained experts
assure quality control and measurements.
For the grading of
edged and unedged Beechtimber
we have stablished our special AWP-
Grading rules . All other species are graded
according to the »Austrian General Grading Rules« (the so called »Österreichischen Handelsusancen«)
and the individual demands of our customers.
The wood is kept in air-conditioned warehouses for interim storage until it
is to be transported. Sufficient pre-storage ensures quality and delivery
times satisfactory to the customer.